Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Simply The Best Gluten Free Bean Bread

Julian Bakery’s Bean Bread is gluten free, sweetened with honey and yeast risen. It is very high in protein and fiber for those wanting to lose a few extra pounds or just wanting to maintain a healthy body.

It is made from fresh, stone ground, whole grains of brown rice, millet, buckwheat, pinto beans, eggs, onions, guar gum, honey, yeast and sea salt.

The difference between brown rice and white rice is not just color. A whole grain of rice has several layers. Only the outermost layer, the hull, is removed to produce what we call brown rice. This process is the least damaging to the nutritional value of the rice and avoids the unnecessary loss of nutrients that occurs with further processing. If brown rice is further milled to remove the bran and most of the germ layer, the result is a whiter rice, but also a rice that has lost many more nutrients. At this point, however, the rice is still unpolished, and it takes polishing to produce the white rice we are used to seeing. Polishing removes the aleurone layer of the grain, a layer filled with health-supportive, essential fats. Because these fats, once exposed to air by the refining process, are highly susceptible to oxidation, this layer is removed to extend the shelf life of the product. The resulting white rice is simply a refined starch that is largely bereft of its original nutrients.

Millets are a group of small-seeded species of cereal crops or grains. As they are not closely related to wheat, they are appropriate for those with wheat intolerances. Millets are a major food source in arid and semi arid regions around the world.

While many people think that buckwheat is a cereal grain, it is actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel, making it a suitable substitute for grains for people who are sensitive to wheat or other grains that contain protein glutens. Buckwheat flowers are very fragrant and are attractive to bees that use them to produce a special, strongly flavored, dark honey.

Combine the creamy pink texture of pinto beans with a whole grain such as brown rice and you have a virtually fat-free high quality protein meal. Pinto beans are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber, as are most other beans. In addition to lowering cholesterol, pinto beans' high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making these beans an especially good choice for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. When combined with whole grains, such as brown rice, pinto beans provide virtually fat-free, high quality protein. But this is far from all pinto beans have to offer. Pinto beans are also an excellent source of molybdenum, a very good source of folate and manganese, and a good source of protein and vitamin B1, as well as the minerals phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, and copper.

Given the ingredients of Julian Bakery’s Bean Bread, no wonder it is an awesome bread for maintaining a healthy body.

Enjoy, Samantha
Buy Our Gluten Free Bean Bread