Julian Bakery’s Smart Carb GF #3 bread uses a culture similar to yogurt to rise, making it easy to digest and alkaline forming in the stomach. We have added chicory root fiber (Inulin) to help the carbs pass through the body without being digested and extra virgin olive oil which helps lower cholesterol levels.
If you’re Celiac or just looking to rid your diet of gluten, then this is the bread for you! It is specifically formulated for people with Celiac Disease, and people on lean, gluten-free diets who are looking for a good source of protein and fiber.
To make this bread even more amazing, we have added freshly ground flaxseed- an excellent source of all omega-3 essential fatty acids (including alpha-linoleic acids). Omega-3s help balance blood sugar levels, boost metabolism, and control appetite. Flax is known to help keep fats moving, as it emulsifies them in the body and keeps arteries from hardening. Flaxseeds are also known to boost the immune system and relieve inflammation.
One of the main reasons we developed this bread is that every gluten-free bread on the market is made with starch and white rice, which is the same as eating an enormous serving of carbs and sugar. Smart Carb GF #3 bread has no refined starches, just healthful, satisfying whole grain gluten free ingredients!
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